William Kristol, editor of the neoconservative organ, The Weekly Standard, recently bemoaned the performance of conservative candidates during the last Republican presidential debate. He claims to be saying out loud what he implies is a … [Read more...]
Bachmann in Damage Control Mode Once Again?
This evening CNN announced in a "breaking news" announcement that there was yet another shake up in Michelle Bachmann's presidential campaign. This time Bachmann's campaign manager Ed Rollins said that he was stepping down for "health … [Read more...]
Why Can’t Libertarians Get Any Respect?
Last September I penned an article entitled “Where Have all the Libertarian’s Gone?” In that piece I opined: “In the din and roar surrounding politics in America today much is made of the importance of Libertarian thinking. Some have … [Read more...]
Is the Far Right Shooting the G.O.P. in the Foot?
Peggy Noonan, columnist for the conservative Wall Street journal and one time primary speechwriter and special assistant to Ronald Reagan said today on 'Meet the Press" that Rick Perry's recent comments made her wince. Noonan said that … [Read more...]
Rick Perry, Does He Even Understand the Meaning of Treason?
What is it about those Tea Party types, are they genetically programmed to spout out absurdities as a way of getting attention? Does this constitute some sort of political personality disorder? The verbal pratfalls of Michele … [Read more...]
Ms. Bachmann a Migraine Headache for the G.O.P.?
Anyone who has been paying attention to politics and especially the politics of the Tea Party movement remembers how Sarah Palin, back in 2010, claimed that the "sleazy G.O.P. establishment" was out to derail her run for the presidency in … [Read more...]
Is Iowa’s Political Influence on the Wane?
A few recent articles on the subject of the Iowa caucuses, citing the influence of evangelical Christians in the process, suggest that the traditional Iowa caucuses may be losing much of their influence in the presidential selection … [Read more...]
Gingrich’s Presidential Campaign Capsized By the Winds of Folly
Back in March of this year in an article on the Gingrich presidential campaign, "Newt Gingrich's Dream, Driven by the Winds of Folly?", I posed the question of why Newt Gingrich would even bother to seriously consider a run for the Oval … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann Rewriting American History
At some point all one can do is laugh at both Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann when either of them suggest that they might run for president. I mean after all, if you legitimately want to be this nation's chief executive, you might first … [Read more...]
The Winds of Folly Begin to Buffet Newt Gingrich
Back in March I wrote a piece on Newt Gingrich’s far fetched dream of being elected to the American presidency, “Newt Gingrich's Dream, Driven by the Winds of Folly?” In concluding the aforementioned I wrote:”Ultimately Gingrich's … [Read more...]