With State Rep. Jen Flanagan representing the 4th Worcester district, we had a thoughtful and supportive voice for our values and concerns. I'm running to preserve that and I hope you will join me in these last few days. Don't … [Read more...]
Checking in from Leominster
My website is continually being updated at www.SueChalifouxZephir.com. I hope you'll take a minute or two to check it out. If you'd like to join our grass-roots campaign, give us a call at 978-534-7125 or send an email to … [Read more...]
Sue Chalifoux Zephir, candidate for State Rep in Leominster
I was born and raised in Leominster and have been an active volunteer in the community here for the past two decades. I served on the Leominster City Council - where I chaired the Finance Committee - have been an advocate and … [Read more...]
Rep. Flanagan’s tough fight
And if that weren't tough enough, Flanagan may have to defend the legislature's actions at this week's Constitutional Convention, specifically the votes to table the Health Care amendment and to recess before taking up the anti-gay marriage … [Read more...]