CNN aired the president's comments on Sunday as a promo for Cooper's exclusive interview with the President in Ghana, which will air tonight at 10 PM Eastern on Monday, July 13. The Obama administration's step in the direction of … [Read more...]
Iraq + Afghanistan: Obama’s quagmire?
The nation is understandably focused on the economic collapse. Obama is trying to regain America's international credibility with his trips to Russia and the Muslim world. But the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and the proxy action in … [Read more...]
Thank you, Governor Patrick, for your choice
Like Lt. Gov. Murray, Governor Patrick will be missing a big night honoring Senator Kennedy. But Gov. Patrick will also be making the lengthy roundtrip tonight and then back tomorrow right before his own nationally televised convention … [Read more...]
Why I Created The Purple Dog Tag To Help Our Wounded Troops And Veterans.
I am not a political person by nature and I am hardly partisan in my belief that the men and women who wear the uniform of our country should, above all, be taken care of to the fullest extent of our ability when wounded in action. It's … [Read more...]
Fort Drum: The Tip of a Tragic Iceberg
What happens when you deploy troops who have seen high intensity combat time and time again with inadequate dwell time between tours? You see skyrocketing mental health issues. After months of investigative work, talking to our … [Read more...]
Of Kurds and Casinos: Sovereign Is as Sovereign Does
"Sovereignty" is essentially an attempt to place a modern legal framework around the time-honored principle that s/he who can inflict the most force on a region, gets to call the shots on that region. Though we can debate whether Mao … [Read more...]
MA-05 Iraq Debate
Also, if you want more concise thoughts on tonight or you just can't get enough, Dick's got his impressions up on his blog as well.Make sure you submit questions at the BMG thread dedicated to the Health Care debate which takes places a … [Read more...]
20 minutes
20 minutes is all it would take for you to help Fitchburg Access TV finish its Memorial Day Project, the reading names of soldiers who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. 20 minutes is what it takes to read 300 names, the number FATV has … [Read more...]