"I have fought for Queen and Faith like a valiant man and true; I have done my duty as a man is bound to do; With a joyful spirit I Sir Richard Greenville die!" And he fell upon their decks, and he died. --From "The Revenge", by Alfred … [Read more...]
Iraq + Afghanistan: Obama’s quagmire?
The nation is understandably focused on the economic collapse. Obama is trying to regain America's international credibility with his trips to Russia and the Muslim world. But the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and the proxy action in … [Read more...]
Re-fighting Vietnam
This is dangerous. First we have Bush 43 fighing a war to correct what he perceives to be unfinished business from Bush 41, now this. Perhaps it is awkward because of McCain's Vietnam POW experience, but shouldn't he be called on … [Read more...]
My Lai, March 16, 1968
Here's a link to a Boston Globe article on the 40th anniversary of the My Lai massacre of 500 unarmed Vietnamese civilians by US troops led by Lt William Calley & Captain Ernest Medina on March 16, 1968. … [Read more...]