Dreamactivist.org is also beginning to sound the war drums through their change.org blog. Thousands have already been invited to call-in in support of the DREAM Act through facebook. The DREAM Act will be the first major … [Read more...]
What’s Up At NewsLadder: Alternet’s 10 Biggest Differences Between Barack Obama And John McCain
The Ten Biggest Differences Between Obama And McCain That Will Affect Your Daily Life. It's a very strong piece that outlines to all the choice that our country will make on November 4th and the impact that choice will have on our immediate … [Read more...]
The New Migrant Megaphone: A Historic Month for the Sanctuarysphere
"Terrorism, crime, the economy, health care, and education: we are not to blame for all of the world's problems! Yet, despite being treated as less than human, we still want to help solve them. All we want, is the freedom to do … [Read more...]