In the immediate aftermath of the 2010 mid-term elections, Peggy Noonan, tireless cheerleader for all things conservative, published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, “The Tea Party to the Rescue” In it Noonan gushed effusively as to how … [Read more...]
True Republican Mavericks
Retiring Republican Senator from Maine, Olympia Snowe seems to be taking a parting shot at the right wing extremism currently infecting the G.O.P. She recently said that she will not necessarily give her $2.36 million dollar war chest to … [Read more...]
Pressure Mounts For Moderate Republicans To Support the DREAM Act
It is important to note that the State of Florida stands much to gain from the passage of this legislation. By alowing certain youths an opportunity at a solid education and a pathway to citizenship, we can stop the current cycle of … [Read more...]
The Politics of the DREAM Act: Laying the Groundwork For Migration Reform is also beginning to sound the war drums through their blog. Thousands have already been invited to call-in in support of the DREAM Act through facebook. The DREAM Act will be the first major … [Read more...]