We know very little about the greyhounds who raced at Wonderland in the first fifty years of its existence. We know that in the very early years, greyhounds were transported to Boston by self-professed "dog men," who would move from … [Read more...]
The Mainstream Media and Beacon Hill Have a Crush on Wonderland
For decades, Massachusetts dog tracks were treated differently from other businesses. In their early years, they were given a monopoly on gambling in our state. Later, they were given the right to conduct simulcast wagering and … [Read more...]
Why the Fight Over Greyhound Racing Mattered
It may be hard to believe now, but the fight over greyhound racing began nearly a decade ago with a small group of activists. They had no money, little organizational experience, and no institutional backing. What they did have was … [Read more...]
Greyhound Breeders Make Final Pitch to Undermine Will of the Voters, Call Your Lawmakers Today
With 78 days left until dog racing ends in our state, out-of-state greyhound breeders are feverishly making a final pitch to state lawmakers, trying to convince them to undermine the will of the voters. Nevermind that the Greyhound … [Read more...]
Top salary at MSPCA: $340,595! That’s a lot of dog food. WITH POLL!
Of course, Spokesman Adams declined to divulge the total budget for each of the shelters being closed: Brockton, Martha's vinyard, and Springfield. Given how hard-hit economically Brockton and Springfield are, animals may die to … [Read more...]