Currently, we are not asking for any policy commitments from Sen. Brown. We are only asking for a simple meeting. We want Sen. Brown to hear the stories of immigrant youth who have been affected by the broken federal … [Read more...]
Obama’s Aunt Is “Illegal”
Obama's aunt is here ILLEGALLY living in poverty, and is a deportation FUGITIVE. She's collecting WELFARE and has DONATED to Obama's campaign, ILLEGALLY! Obama. Family in poverty as he makes millions. Complete lawlessness. Giveaway your … [Read more...]
MTV Street Team ’08: Marriage Equality For All?
As a straight white male, I will always acknowledge that the privileged lens through which I view the world does not make me the best person to speak on issues like this, but I'm going to try, and people are free to weigh in through … [Read more...]
‘Los Angeles is Burning’: Lives on the Murder Wind
Originally Posted on Citizen Orange"Los Angeles is Burning" - Bad ReligionWhen the hills of Los Angeles are burningPalm trees are candles in the murder windSo many lives are on the breezeEven the stars are ill at easeAnd Los Angeles is … [Read more...]
A Crushed DREAM and Hopeful Youth
Anti-Migrant Hate and Pro-Migrant IntrospectionMake no mistake about it. The DREAM Act, the hope of almost a millionyoung people without a country, was crushed by anti-migrant hate. Anti-migrant hate that has taken over the U.S. … [Read more...]
Tancredo: Prosecute Legislators!
It is one thing to harmfully advocate for the local enforcement of federal immigration laws. It is another to suggest that legislators who disagree with you should be prosecuted. This is the first time I have ever used … [Read more...]
‘Saving’ Lost Children
Cross posted on Immigration Orange(BBC picture of Guatemalan indigenous women and children randomly paired with adoption articles)Guatemala made the international press, today, and as usual the reporting has done more to misinform than to … [Read more...]
URGENT Action Needed! Migrant Died in Federal Custody
Cross posted at Immigration Orange(Picture from the Boston Globe)A Brazilian national, Edmar Alvez Araujo, died in federal custody after he couldn't get access to mediction for his epilepsy. According the Boston Globe, Araujo was … [Read more...]