In light of this post from a few weeks ago, BMG's endorsement of the proposed ban on greyhound racing (in the form of a ballot question on the 2008 ballot) won't come as a shock. But since the signature gathering is now in full swing, … [Read more...]
Vote No on Question 3
SEIU officials would have you believe that their union would allow more access to child care. This in fact is not true. DEEC, the state agency which manages child care subsidies walks a fine balance between access and affordability. What … [Read more...]
No on Question 3 by Family Child Care for Children!
Major Issues With Question #3: 1. FCC providers are business owners, not employees - many FCC providers are employers of assistant teachers posing complex issues for a union designed for employees. An association of providers … [Read more...]
Just for fun…the Simpsons and Question 2
So I know that folks here at BMG are all over the place on whether or not to vote YES on Question 2 (which I, of course, support), but I thought everyone might enjoy this bit of fun: … [Read more...]
Help Us Communicate With 4 Million Voters
Tomorrow the Mass Ballot Freedom Campaign has to give Secretary of the Commonwealth Galvin an argument of 150 words or less in favor of the Ballot Freedom Initiative. This argument will be published in the statewide voter guide and mailed … [Read more...]