There's talk in Boston these days about whether the Red Sox should send prospect Jackie Bradley, Jr. down to the minor leagues for a few weeks to delay his free agency by one year, potentially saving the team millions of dollars. "It's good … [Read more...]
Globe: Roger Clemens Being Indicted For Perjury
The long sad story of performance enhancing drugs in baseball continues. … [Read more...]
5 Years Ago Today – Is TV Killing Baseball?
Does anyone think baseball in November is somehow wrong? Does MLB even know what the weather is like north of Florida or Arizona in November? Baseball in November. … [Read more...]
Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Weekend
As an aside that hooks up to the events of this past week, I noticed this:Few if any rookies had stepped into as potentially stressful a situation as Rice did when he was called up. He was a black player from a southern town coming to a … [Read more...]
Pablo’s new blog & disdain for west coast baseball
Perhaps it's just another BMG spinoff, but Pablo has a brand-new blog. Please come visit Sacred Cod, where today's entry focuses on the evils of west coast baseball. Here's a sample.It's very nice that the left coast has … [Read more...]
Roger returns … to Yankees.
Never liked that guy anyway.Well, at least the Yanks need him more than we do (currently). … [Read more...]
The political success cycle
It must be said that these cycles are not natural, unavoidable phenomena. The worm does not turn on its own, although externalities like the economy, some wars, and natural events may have a great impact. It is not inevitable that dominance … [Read more...]
Peter Gammons has aneurysm
Peter Gammons had a brain aneurysm.As you may know, Gammons is a baseball writer absolutely in his own league. He defines fandom, defines fanaticism, has the best sources and gossip, and is the model for just loving your job so much it … [Read more...]
Open Letter to Josh Marshall on “picking” a baseball team
Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall is choosing a baseball club to root for. Even growing up in upstate New York, I never had any trouble or doubt about this, but here's my attempt to help him pick the right New York … [Read more...]
RIP Kirby Puckett
Kirby Puckett, the Hall-of-Fame center fielder for the Minnesota Twins from 1984-1995, has died at age 45, one day after suffering a massive stroke.I remember watching Kirby Puckett play. And I can't think of another baseball player … [Read more...]