First, here's Joe Klein's column from the June 18 issue of Time Magazine. Obama has said he admires Doris Kearns Goodwin's wonderful Lincoln biography, Team of Rivals. "He talks about it all the time," says a top aide. He is particularly … [Read more...]
You know what this race needs? Brackets.
No, I haven't read "The Enlightened Bracketologist", but inspired by Nicholas's suggestion that we chuck the cattle call debate format, why don't we divide the Democratic presidential field up into brackets? Why the … [Read more...]
(202) 456-1414 – I called the White House for the first time in my life. And you know what?
It was strangely gratifying. I was inspired by this call from the Joe Biden Campaign. I have minimal-to-zero hope that my phone call made an impact, but taking five minutes out of my life to tell someone at the White House I think Bush and … [Read more...]
Basics for Presidential Campaign Discussions (aka Silly Season)
Proposed Guidelines1. Careful with using your personal opinion as a "fact". Always dangerous ground in politics, but your own personal like or dislike of a candidate does not mean that your view is the prevailing view, even if that view is … [Read more...]