WARNING: not for the faint-hearted. New and blunt from Chris Hedges, talking with Mike Gravel. This column is to Obama's military strategy as Taibbi's Rolling Stone piece is to Obama's financial strategy."The first time I met him I felt … [Read more...]
You know what this race needs? Brackets.
No, I haven't read "The Enlightened Bracketologist", but inspired by Nicholas's suggestion that we chuck the cattle call debate format, why don't we divide the Democratic presidential field up into brackets? Why the … [Read more...]
LOGO Forum Snippets and Snipes
Barack ObamaBizarrely enough, expected listeners to believe that chiding a group of anti-gay Black ministers is all the equality cred he needs. I specifically talked about the degree to which the nation of gay marriage in Black … [Read more...]
From the Take Back America conference
"Choose the collective good over the desire to collect goods."Iraq: Some say there are only two bad options: Stay and contain civil war, or let it spiral into regional conflict. BR would leave zero troops behind -- not a single one -- aside … [Read more...]
I’m Supporting Mike Gravel for President
I'm actually sitting here laughing while listening to Senator Gravel! I cannot write anything that can convey how absolutely amusing Senator Gravel is. Listen to his videos. He puts Ernie Boch to shame!The reasons why I am … [Read more...]