We talked about a huge number of issues, ranging from the netroots workshop at the state convention to future BlogLeft activism and events. In terms of the convention, we spoke about having an intro that was slightly shorter than last … [Read more...]
Join the BlogLeft Mass Group
As BlogLeft Mass becomes more and more active, I realized we're going to need some sort of a more organized way to keep in touch and plan things. Thus, our very own page: BlogLeft Massachusetts. I hope everyone who reads this blog and … [Read more...]
Register for BlogLeft Massachusetts event for April 19th!
So Ryan wrote a post regarding our intent to host a gala in Lowell for lefty bloggers under the BlogLeft Massachusetts flag. (We plant this flag in the name of...*ahem*.) Through the wonders of techonology, and Paypal, you can register for … [Read more...]
Video of Lt. Gov. forum is now available at LTC
The wizardry continues over at the Lowell Telecommunications Corporation: they now have a complete video of Sunday's BlogLeft/Lowell Dems event featuring all four candidates for Lieutenant Governor. You'll need Quicktime 7 to watch … [Read more...]
“Winning” a debate
So one of our readers thinks that Andrea Silbert "won" Sunday afternoon's Lt. Gov. forum, and another gives the nod to Tim Murray. Elsewhere, still others have commented on how well Deb Goldberg did, and I'd add my voice to that … [Read more...]
What do YOU want to ask the Lt. Gov. candidates?
As Susan M has already explained, the local left blogosphere is co-sponsoring a forum featuring the Democratic candidates for Lieutenant Governor. The specifics:WHO: Deborah Goldberg, Sam Kelley, Tim Murray, and Andrea Silbert, in a … [Read more...]
Save the Date – Lowell Democratic Lt. Gov. Forum
BlogLeft, an unchained association of Massachusetts lefty blogger types and the Lowell Democratic City Committee (LDCC) together with the Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) are co-sponsoring a Lt. Governors Forum at the Lowell Senior … [Read more...]