From discussions here over the last few days, it looks like neither of the candidates running for Secretary of State has a lot of support. I probably will vote for Bonifaz because Galvin does not seem to think voters matter given his … [Read more...]
Galvin/Bonifaz dust-up over debates hits the Sunday Globe front page
It's below the fold, but there's a photograph. On the front page of today's Globe, readers saw the following:Running after a little respectPolitical newcomer seeks to unseat GalvinBy Yvonne Abraham, Globe StaffMEDFORD -- The ornate … [Read more...]
Bonifaz kicks!
Secretaries of state throughout the country can either protect our democracy or destroy it. Think Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris in 2000 and Ohio Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell in 2004.The Voting Rights Act of 1965 … [Read more...]
Emails show that Medford organizers believed Galvin was confirmed for Wednesday evening’s forum
BMG News has learned that, at least as far as the organizers of the candidate forum in Medford on Wednesday night were concerned, Secretary of State Galvin was confirmed to attend.John Bonifaz's campaign manager, Juan Martinez, made the … [Read more...]
Galvin no-shows in Worcester. Blogger moves toward Bonifaz.
Following on the heels of his no-show in Medford, Secretary of State Bill Galvin did not appear at a forum in Worcester last night. My understanding (which may be wrong - feel free to correct) is that Galvin had not actually committed … [Read more...]
Galvin a no-show at Medford forum. Weak.
SHNS reports that Bill Galvin no-showed at what was supposed to be a quasi-debate between him and Secretary of State candidate John Bonifaz. Reportedly, Galvin begged off at the last minute because he was "stuck in New Bedford."I'll … [Read more...]
Phoenix shouts out to Blogifaz
John Carroll in the Phoenix reviews the blogs, vlogs, and plogs of the various candidates this year, and finds that one campaign is doing it right:[Sec. of State candidate John] Bonifazs campaign blog has all the proper accoutrements of … [Read more...]
Bonifaz Endorsed by Prog. Dems of America and Kucinich
Bruce Taub submitted this post. He is an attorney in practice for many (too many?) years in Boston, a PDA MA State Co-coordinator, and a board member of PDA. The opinions expressed here are his alonne and not necessarily those … [Read more...]
Good Question by Bonifaz
On February 10, John Bonifaz called attention to Department of Justice (DOJ) investigations for possible voting rights violations in Springfield, Boston, Lawrence and Lowell. At the time, Secretary Galvin … [Read more...]
Supreme Court throws out Vermont’s campaign finance rules
In a long-awaited decision, the Supreme Court today threw out Vermont's strict campaign finance regulations. The challenged law limited not only contributions (like most campaign finance regimes) but also expenditures, as follows:Act … [Read more...]