When I first heard that Sarah Palin would be the keynote Talking Points Screamer for the corporate-sponsored "grassroots" Tea Party Express III that would be rolling into Boston on April 14th, my first reaction was "Not In My Back Yard she … [Read more...]
Report on the Boston Common
Hello avid Democrats. Thanks for all that you do at BMG keeping people engaged on critical topics about Massachusetts, and Boston in particular. Following a year filled with hearings and public meetings on the Boston Common, I'm in the … [Read more...]
“Anatomy of a Deval Patrick Rally”
Hi all-Two weeks ago I did the advance for a Deval Patrick Rally on the Boston Common. My friend, local filmaker Chris Burke, came along for the day and we did a basic front-to-back short film on building, executing and breaking down … [Read more...]
“Anatomy of a Deval Patrick Rally”
Hi all-Two weeks ago I did the advance for a Deval Patrick Rally on the Boston Common. My friend, local filmaker Chris Burke, came along for the day and we did a basic front-to-back short film on building, executing and breaking down … [Read more...]