The Boston Globe editorial staff weighed in on the misguided proposal for a new peaking diesel plant for downtown Chelsea today with their piece, "To limit Chelsea pollution". As a downwinder of the Salem Power Plant, it's … [Read more...]
Global warming deniers
Mr. Gore says the overwhelming scientific opinion is that humans are causing climate warming. Mr. Jacoby finds one scientist who thinks the jury is still out on that. Mr. Gore says that in a random sample of over 900 scientific papers about … [Read more...]
Globe has a must-read on Dem victory
After a shocker national election that has led to surprisingly few "here's-the-way-the-story-happened" deconstructions, the Boston Globe has a must-read on the Dems' two-year strategy for recovery and dominance. Starts back at the crack of … [Read more...]
Another wacky non-sequiter from the Globe
I honestly can't make sense of how the Globe spins this stuff. Is it really such a challenge to cover this campaign in a lively and interesting way, without resorting to dumb gimmicks? That is a sign of editorial weakness. The cuts at the … [Read more...]
Adrian Walker Brings It!
Adrian Walker takes apart Kerry Healey today starting with an interview of the Rev. Jeffrey Brown, who has had excellent relations with the Romney Administration.Here is the best quote:"Kerry Healey's desperate campaign is nothing but a … [Read more...]
Boston Globe Declares Patrick Ad Negative
I'm no authority on what makes an ad negative, but I thought I knew it when I saw it. For example, I think the consensus would be that Mihos' cartoon is a negative ad, right? Willie Horton? Swift Boat Veterans?Because I … [Read more...]
What to Do About the Boston Globe?
There are several courses of action. There's always letters to the editor, but instead of printing the ones I send in, we get stuff like this. No, there's no bias at the Globe at all!A few of us could come together and write an op-ed, but … [Read more...]
Did Deval Patrick Quit Coca-Cola or was He Pushed Out?
Finished reading? Good. I'm not the researcher that David is, but in trying to find out more about this issue I did poke around Google, which is apparently more than Boston Globe reporter Frank Phillips did. From an … [Read more...]
Deval Patrick’s (Not So) Secret Weapon
In today's Boston Globe there is a fine article on Diane Patrick. The article has the usual background information about where she grew up and how she met Deval, but there is one comment that I believe serves as a mission statement … [Read more...]
Boston Globe Takes Another Swipe at Deval Patrick
The nine Massachusetts branch offices of the huge mortgage company Ameriquest will close as part of a nationwide cut of 3,800 jobs, a move that again puts the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Deval L. Patrick, in the position of … [Read more...]