So what's happening at the Burma NewsLadder now? Well, interestingly enough, people are still posting, and still visiting from both here and Burma. However, the source articles and links have pretty much all changed. A few weeks ago, there … [Read more...]
Burma Orange: A Stain on the Earth’s Conscience
This image is from on, and the best reporting on it comes from Burma-Myanmar Genocide 2007 blog. There are other horrific pictures and narratives that have emerged out of Burma. Pictures that the military junta … [Read more...]
This One Story Shows Why Burma Has To Stay In The Headlines.
One story that was posted from Europe stunned me considerably. It's about the ongoing cremations the Burmese government continued long after the first wave of riots stopped, literally, as they burned the evidence of dead monks.<a … [Read more...]
On Blogger’s Day For Burma, A Hearty F*K You To Chevron. And The Same For Condi Too.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, at the meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, said, "The United States is determined to keep an international focus on the travesty that is taking place." Keeping an international focus … [Read more...]
Introducing The Burma NewsLadder
NewsLadder will work for the bloggers because it will drive traffic to their sites. You can't read the posts on NewsLadder, you can just see the links and the comments and the rankings of the posts. All bloggers can post links to their … [Read more...]
Chinks in the armor
As I said, Burma is a pretty clear case. Nobel Laureate Aum Sun Suu Kyi was leader of the National League of Democracy, which won democratic elections in 1989 (while she was in jail). The military ignored the elections, and has … [Read more...]