Tim Cahill acknowledges that building clean energy is good: "I don't think it's the real solution," he said. "It will make us feel good about ourselves, just like covering every citizen in Massachusetts with health care made us feel good. … [Read more...]
Convention bump: Cahill now ahead of Baker. What??!!
Awkward. Charlie Baker, fresh from boinking Christy Mihos off the GOP ballot in the course of his big convention win, is now in third place for the Governor's race. Asked who they would support if the election were held today, Patrick … [Read more...]
Rasmussen: Patrick stays ahead of pack, approval rises
via MassBeacon (a terrific site, btw -- visit often): New Rasmussen poll puts the race this way:Patrick 35%Baker 27%Cahill 23% ... and Patrick's approval rating has risen from 39% to 46% -- in a month. Whoah -- not numbers to be … [Read more...]
If It Looks Like a Panda and Talks Like a Panda
I've been trying to make sense out of Tim Cahill's recent behavior, what with his appearances on Fox News; being for the Massachusetts version of healthcare reform before he was against it- or at least keeping silent about it while Governor … [Read more...]
A lesson from Tim Cahill on our screwed-up campaign finance laws
Tim Cahill has a knack for keeping himself in the news, though not always in a good way. Today, he offers us a way to reflect on how badly screwed up the priorities of our campaign finance laws are. Consider Treasurer Tim's two … [Read more...]
“Widmer laughed when responding to Cahill’s slight”
There's much more to say about the impact of the passage of health care reform on the Gov's race, but for now, I must just note this outstanding nugget from today's Globe article on that subject: When WRKO cohost Todd Feinberg noted that … [Read more...]
While the Health Care battle rages on in DC, Reform in MA is being threatened by Cahill, Baker
The issue of health insurance reform is all over the news. Congress is expected to vote on a bill today, and the big insurance companies are stopping at nothing to try to kill the bill. Here in Massachusetts, we are lucky to lead the nation … [Read more...]
Deval strongly backs controlling health insurance and costs; wonders why Charlie and Tim don’t
Recognizing that controlling health care costs is a shared responsibility, the bill provides oversight of health insurance company and provider rates by the Division of Insurance and the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, … [Read more...]
Cahill Runs Right
As a Democrat likely supporting Charlie Baker, I may be too quick to see rainbows in what could arguably be a rain cloud. However, as insignificant as these picks generally are, Loscocco gives Baker more room to pick up disillusioned … [Read more...]
Patrick leading in Rasmussen Poll
August numbers: Election 2010: Massachusetts Governor Christy Mihos (R) 40% Deval Patrick (D) 35% Some other candidate 11% Not sure 15% Election 2010: Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) … [Read more...]