There are three questions for the people of Massachusetts: 1) How well is Governor Patrick's push for ethics reform likely to succeed if Beacon Hill is awash in the same kind of gambling money as Pennsylvania? 2) Wouldn't this be a good … [Read more...]
“How to (try to) Buy Your Presidency”, by Myth Romney
In the world of botany, when a plant pollinates itself, it's called "selfing". (Pardon me if that sounds a bit like masturbation, but I didn't coin the term.) As you can see from my crude graphic, Romney is selfing … [Read more...]
Follow the money
Today's Beagle has an interesting article entitled "Patrick has a hold on county wallets."I've posted a short comment on it. The punchline is that 80% of gubernatorial campaign donations in Berkshire County have gone to Deval Patrick. … [Read more...]
Silbert looks to Profit from Big Business, while Hurting the Uninsured
A business owner and source that wishes not to be named stated that the other day he/she had received a telephone call from Andrea Silbert. In the call, Lt. Governor candidate Andrea Silbert repeatedly stated that she was opposed to the … [Read more...]