The Cato Institute, funded by a who's who of right-wing billionaires, big-money polluters, and corporations looking to preserve tax loopholes, is once again attacking assistance for the elderly, disabled & working poor. Here's how … [Read more...]
Have Libertarians Forgotten the Republican Primaries?
Back in September of 2010 I detailed in an article "Where Have all the Libertarian’s Gone?" how for all of the attention paid to Libertarian ideas there was little in the way of Libertarian electoral success to show for it. To wit: "In the … [Read more...]
Not So Golden Global Warming
The report, Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air describes how ExxonMobil uses Big Tobacco-like tactics to spread doubt about climate science that overwhelmingly points to human-causes of global warming. ExxonMobil has "funded about $16 million … [Read more...]