A call for the impeachement of Dick Cheney is currently being debated on the floor of the House. C-span link here. Resolution info here. … [Read more...]
Cheney has a heart?
Apparently the V.P. will be getting a new defibrillator on Saturday. This raises a few questions in my mind.Will he be turning over power to W while he is under the knife?If Cheney can be defibrillated, can modern medicine prevent the … [Read more...]
“Cheney Saturday” – Polls Closed
UPDATE: According to CNN, Bush resumed power at 9:21 EST this morning. The story states that "Doctors removed five small polyps from President Bush's colon on Saturday, and 'none appeared worrisome,' a White House spokesman … [Read more...]
Keith Olbermann to Bush/Cheney: Resign!
The highlight of the ten minute opus appears in this anger-drenched climax:"I accuse you, Mr. Bush, of lying this country into war.I accuse you of fabricating in the minds of your own people, a false implied link between Saddam Hussein and … [Read more...]
(202) 456-1414 – I called the White House for the first time in my life. And you know what?
It was strangely gratifying. I was inspired by this call from the Joe Biden Campaign. I have minimal-to-zero hope that my phone call made an impact, but taking five minutes out of my life to tell someone at the White House I think Bush and … [Read more...]
Pelosi for President – Now
I have decided impeachment is too slow. Deserved, certainly, but too slow. Resignation is faster. I call upon Bush and Cheney to resign. Under a parliamentary system, we could call for elections, without waiting for a prescribed term of … [Read more...]
Cheney to start a war — on his own??
Holy crap, can this be possible? It comes from a reputable blog -- someone who often has the inside scoop, Steve Clemons:Multiple sources have reported that a senior aide on Vice President Cheney's national security team has been meeting … [Read more...]
“That’s a huge deal”
"... Presumably an impeachable offense, immoral as hell ... so who did it?" So says Tucker Carlson of the allegations of Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst. Remember the phony "Italian intelligence memo" that alleged an attempt by Iraq to buy … [Read more...]
BOSTON-AREA NATIONAL TEACH-IN ON IMPEACHMENT Sponsored by: The Center for Constitutional Rights & Bostonians for the Overthrow of King George!When:Wed. August, 30, 2006, 7:00-10:00 pmWhere:The Democracy Centerhttp://www.bostonmob... 45 … [Read more...]
“Because I’m Cheney, that’s why.”
Adam at the U-Hub says get ready for more great moments in Boston commuting, courtesy of noted cannibalism expert Dick Cheney and "Republican bigwig" Dick Egan of EMC:You may recall that the last time Cheney and Egan got together, back in … [Read more...]