H4333 is stronger than H4191, and if passed, means in my view that Isaac and Jeremy [two cases reported out and published by the Supreme Judicial Court in 1995) arguably no longer control as precedents, as they were based on the old statute … [Read more...]
Who is fighting for foster children and THEIR right to life?
I say this because the bill would open hearings where DSS seeks to end a child's life to the public, and place clear requirements as to what steps to take into our laws for the first time.The health insurance industry has a constituency and … [Read more...]
URGENT hearing on overhaul of DSS 9/26/07
The hearing will be on 9/26/07 at 10:30 AM in Room 222 at the State House.For the text of the legislation, go to: http://www.mass.gov/...For the statutes being amended, which are G.L.c. 119 and G.L.c.210 and 110 CMR, go … [Read more...]
Time to monitor the pending overhaul of DSS
Besides a zillion places for the proposed change of name to the Department of Children and Families (DCF), any hearing which could lead to a "do not revive" or "pull the plug" order with regard to a child in the custody of the state would … [Read more...]
Why should Guatemalans have to give us their babies to save them from starving?
But then, the focus of child welfare law in these United States, post "The Adoption and Safe Families Act" [also called "ASFA"] is to speed up permanency, by which the law means terminating parental rights and moving children to "better" … [Read more...]
New Child Welfare Blog
My mentor,Michael Rich, who was my resource when I first began to do child welfare law, has started a new blog:http://www.michaelri...For those interested in this field, and the most vulnerable among us, I suggest that though new, it IS … [Read more...]
Open letter to Commissioner-designate Angelo McLain
REASONABLE EFFORTSBefore a child is taken out of their home, there is a requirement that reasonable efforts to prevent removal occur. PROBLEM: There is no definition of "reasonable efforts" required prior to removal of children … [Read more...]
Kentucky holds a summit on child welfare law – why don’t we?
The Chief Justice of the Kentucky Juvenile Court System goes on to say:The changes, which will take effect immediately, coincided with the announcement of an initiative by Lambert to improve Kentucky's courts and child welfare system.The … [Read more...]
First Star issues a report 4/24/07 on the representation provided children in child welfare cases
From the March 19, 2007 Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly.Foster change in DSS systemBefore a child is taken out of a family home, there is a federal requirement that "reasonable efforts" to prevent removal of a child from the home must … [Read more...]
Will we have a new birth of freedom, or more social engineering?
Bibliography:http://www.jcpr.org/...http://www.childwelf... … [Read more...]