My previous post finally disappeared. Many thanks to all the recommends that kept it up and visible for so long. :) Here is the information again: On Sunday April 11th at 8 pm, the Dudley House Orchestra will be playing in Sanders … [Read more...]
Concert Sunday Night
On Sunday April 11th at 8 pm, the Dudley House Orchestra will be playing in Sanders Theater in Cambridge. While it is true that I will be playing timpani, don't let that scare you because the rest of the orchestra is quite awesome. … [Read more...]
FREE CONCERT: Worcester @ Noon, (and on WICN radio)!
It's free! And it's the most fun in Worcester since Tim Murray was elected Lieutenant Governor! So, get to Mechanic's Hall, listen to WICN, or hit the website, and have a great musical lunch! * The drummer is a Brookline … [Read more...]