(Cross-posted from the COFAR blog) A van crash this week in Newton, which injured 12 adults with intellectual disabilities, highlights a lack of adequate oversight of the state's community-based system of care. The incident, involving … [Read more...]
MA Progressive Derides Monarchy
Small's UMN has successfully attacked some of the most daunting issues for communities of color here. That includes high unemployment,CORI reform, prisons, and education in poor communities. Listen in as he talks about successes...and … [Read more...]
House passes CORI reform, 138-17.
"Joy and emotion" -- and relief, no doubt -- among reform supporters out there: Boston – Hundreds of supporters gathered at the State House today to watch as the Massachusetts House of Representatives voted in favor of an historic … [Read more...]
House may vote on CORI, Education in January
Last evening, the Senate passed an amended version of the Education Reform Act. This legislation was the product of many hours of labor on the part of Chairwoman Walz and the Joint Committee on Education. I cannot express enough my deep … [Read more...]
CORI Reform
It moves the sealing and dissemination of criminal records to 10 years for a felony and 5 years for a misdemeanor. This will allow those who have served their time to get back to being productive citizens quicker, and not pay a too-long … [Read more...]
A look inside CORI reform
Press Pass TV talks to community members and CORI Reform activists to find out more about just what CORI is and what all the fuss is about. If you've been in Massachusetts the last year you've probably heard the acronym. But how does it … [Read more...]
Let’s talk about CORI reform . . .
The reality is that Massachusetts employers can get criminal record information from Google for free, which can influence employment decisions. Large employers, though, don't waste time with Google - they go to a company like Choice … [Read more...]
Gov. Patrick’s Town Hall Meeting in Arlington – first person report
Tonight Gov Patrick came to Arlington's Town Hall, as the weather was too difficult for the originally-scheduled outdoor meeting using the natural outdoor amphitheater of Robbins Farm Park. More then 100 men all wearing blue and holding … [Read more...]
CORI Reform Hearing – Clamor Continues
The hearing began with testimony from Governor Patrick, who highlighted the real needs for reforms. He noted that there are 20,000 people incarcerated in Massachusetts, and that 97 percent of these people will return to their communities at … [Read more...]
Healey’s CORI access, no votes come to light
Today's Globe reports Healey's past action are inconsistent with her current potion in regards to CORI access.Minutes of the board reviewed by the Globe, however, show that at least a half-dozen times at meetings of the Criminal History … [Read more...]