In the last century, all of the six major genocides that have been perpetrated- Armenia, the Holocaust, Bosnia, Cambodia, Darfur and Rwanda -- all have major anniversaries that take place in the month of April, an eerie and unsettling … [Read more...]
UMass divests from Sudan
In a move that should be an example to all other public (and private) institutions in the country, UMass has announced that it will divest from Sudan due to the genocide in Darfur.The Globe has it here.BOSTON --The University of … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: Booted at YouTube, the agony…
Update: I'll be vlogging the Edwards gig back in Portsmouth tomorrow so look for my vlog on the Town Hall event here in the next couple of days if you can't get up to see it. And as far as reposting, I won't be doing that here at BMG, this … [Read more...]