Sen. Kerry attacked Howard Dean over his apparent "Kill the Bill" stance. This week, for example, Howard Dean wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that real health care reform needed a public option that would '...give all Americans a … [Read more...]
Who Will Lead the Department of Health and Human Services?
With Daschle out, who should the President nominate for HHS? How about Dr. Howard Dean? He's been speaking out on healthcare reform lately. What do you think? … [Read more...]
Howard Dean steps down as head of DNC
Not unexpected, but in a way, the end of a brief era. Howard Dean will not seek a second term as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, ending a tenure marked by an aggressive attempt to reshape the mission of the committee - and … [Read more...]
Working Class Voters: A 2004 flashback
Like so many of Dean's words, his quote was a bit inartful (perhaps NASCAR stickers would have been a better issue). Mind you, it was fine the dozens of times he said it before he was a front-runner, but the losers suddenly objected. … [Read more...]
Tierney, Markey, Tsongas: Stand and Count !!!!!
DNC brain trust will be meeting very soon in DC to slice and dice the Florida vote...reports hint that they will seat only half the delegates or divide the delegates evenly between the candidates. Neither option is acceptable or consistent … [Read more...]
Obama Not Descendent from Sheep
My partner unearthed this wonderful little joke going around the internet. I say it is another reason to be for Obama. She says I shouldn't post it out of respect for Howard Dean. Whatever... Subject: July 8, 1947Many will … [Read more...]
Voted for Dean, Voting for Reilly. Here’s Why
I believe in the value of experience. The Republican Party has invested massive resources to create a "politicians are bad" mentality to excuse their own officeholders incompetence and disregard for public service. This has … [Read more...]
Just one question …
Paul Begala disses DNC chair Howard Dean's 50-state strategy thusly:"He's in trouble, in that campaign managers, candidates, are really angry with him. He has raised $74 million and spent $64 million. He says it's a long-term strategy. But … [Read more...]