Just a few thoughts from the debate:A good response from Deval regarding the rape-n'-murder fearmongering from Healey: "Come down from your high horse... I'll show you around." Nice. The problem with running nasty ads like that is that you … [Read more...]
Debate wrap-up
Well, mostly more of the same this time, with a lot more Hello Springfield!Grace Ross makes a terrific case for progressive taxation and dealing with global warming. Hey Grace -- if you're not hearing this from anywhere else, let me invite … [Read more...]
Debate open thread
I'll be on TV tonight on another channel, David and Bob are away, so it's up to the BMG denizens to tend the hearth. Anyway, I'd rather hear what you have to say about it rather than actually see it myself. Is that so wrong?Spill it out … [Read more...]
Questions I’d like to hear tomorrow
Stepping out of hyper-partisan mode for a moment, there are some questions I think would be of general interest in tomorrow's debate. No hotbuttons, no press-release-fed crap. Let's talk about the real headaches that are going to face the … [Read more...]
In defense of Healey(!)
So, Kerry Healey has complained about the "noise" from Christy Mihos in the last debate, and wants to take on Deval mano-a-mano. This is obviously a self-serving request: She has a better shot making her points against just Deval than vs. … [Read more...]
Last night Fox25 had the absolute idiotic gall to dial up a couple of celebrities -- chef Jasper White and Red Sox wife Shonda Schilling -- and have them ask questions on behalf of, you know, the rest of us who don't make lots and lots and … [Read more...]
Even yet still more predictions for tonight’s debate
Kerry Healey refers to Patrick as the "quota king". Patrick demurs, but under intense questioning admits that he was, in fact, "prom king".Healey offers to demonstrate that little waddle she does in Christy Mihos' new commercial. "Bet you … [Read more...]
Predictions for tonight’s debate!
I won't be able to watch it live, so here are my predictions for tonight's debate:Chastened by the poor reviews of his behavior in last week's debate, Tom Reilly wears a cardigan sweater, and ignores the first question in order to praise … [Read more...]
The Debate II: Boston Media Hit Parade
All praise for the two-paper town is in order today, since we've got wall-to-wall coverage of last night's gubernatorial debate. There is really some terrific writing in today's papers -- good old-fashioned attitude-laden ink-slinging. … [Read more...]
The Debate: No tattoo for me
I heard -- but did not really see -- last night's gubernatorial debate, since there wasn't a good TV signal at Jimmy Tingle's. I hear Deval was sweaty. Too bad. (Dan Kennedy disagrees -- says Deval was fresh as a daisy. Go figure.) He and … [Read more...]