I thought you might want to check out my Fray post. I'm fired up!MassLive.com's The Fray … [Read more...]
Victory ’06 needs organization
This evening I responded to a phone message to participate in some phone-banking for the Patrick-Murray Campaign. I assumed it was from the Lowell for Deval group that I have participated in since last Winter. Instead it turned out to be … [Read more...]
What’s Next and How You Can Help
Deval Patrick and Tim Murray are our winners. Now what?If you want to help make this dream a reality in November, come to Drinking Liberally tonight at the Globe Cafe in Copley. We'll talk about options for volunteering for those of us who … [Read more...]
A Message to Blue Mass Group from Congressman Jim McGovern – Patrick/Murray Can Win this November!
I am Congressman Jim McGovern, longtime reader, first time poster at BMG. This is an incredible forum Im impressed! On the eve of this very important primary election, I want to share a few thoughts.As many of you know, I was … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: People Powered Media – Edwards, Lamont and Deval Patrick
The Conventional Wisdom on YouTube: The current state of Conventional Wisdom on citizen-generated media/content, CGM or CGC, is not very insightful by and large. The New York Times ran a piece a couple of weeks ago discussing the YouTube - … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: Meet Deval Patrick
Video: Deval Patrick Remarks - Part 1Deval comes on and gives his gracious thanks to the event organizers for the evening, one of them you'll meet in the interviews. He tells us that he only wears the suit coat because his staff claims it … [Read more...]
Make Up For Mitt in NH
New Hampshire Dems are raging the stage, raising way, way more money than the state GOP. Guess who's trying to narrow the gap?The state Democratic Party raised $540,936 for the reporting period, spent $486,246 and has $54,690 remaining.The … [Read more...]
Joe: the new Ralph?
Who do you think is at the top of Joe Lieberman's "people who have made my life miserable" list? After Ned Lamont, that is. I'd think a pretty decent guess would be Ralph Nader. Nader, of course, is the guy who refused to … [Read more...]
Joementum is all alone
DC Democrats are abandoning Joementum in droves, and are - quite properly - lining up behind the duly selected nominee of Connecticut Democrats, Ned Lamont. Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Democratic Senatorial Campaign … [Read more...]
Lamont: next step
We here in MA can't vote for Lamont in November, just like we couldn't vote for him tonight.But we do have two pretty powerful Senators. We can, and we should, encourage them to make it clear to Joe Lieberman that he needs to bow out … [Read more...]