Protect Marriage Washington's togas 'n tigers ad isn't all they've lined up for Washington t.v. viewers. They also have two Prop 8-style lie-fests spooled up which feature people and events every Bay Stater in too well aware of. … [Read more...]
Domestic Partnerships face a rollback in Washington state
With ballots hitting mailboxes October 16th, our campaign season is only 6 weeks long and hasn't given us the lead time necessary to raise adequate funds before a major donor ban goes into effect on Oct 12. After that date, no donor … [Read more...]
Nail Biting Over Prop 8…with Poll
Proceedings start at 9 a.m. PST. You can watch them here. The court will have 90 days to deliver a decision. If you're in CA, join an Eve of Justice gathering this evening, or watch the oral arguments outside the courthouse or … [Read more...]