Add a hand-crank or pedal-powered generator to the solar and you have a reliable supply of electricity day or night, by sunlight or muscle power, a secondary solar source. Solar IS Civil Defense Add a bicycle and you have … [Read more...]
Weatherization Barnraising: Cambridge, MA on June 13
Our band, the "Band Joists" will play again Learn new skills in lowering energy bills Meet new people in a non-socially awkward setting cause you're all holding hammers and busy working Help the Democracy Center, a nonprofit that houses … [Read more...]
How to Change US Energy in One Growing Season
2. Continue with weatherization and solar community events. Cambridge, MA has been doing monthly weatherization barnraisings since the summer of 2008. Since then, at least 18 other nearby and distant communities have … [Read more...]
Thought Experiment: Fastfood Containers Recycled into Solar Devices
All that I know about simple solar is online at Solar IS Civil Defense cross posted to,,, and greenmassgroup … [Read more...]
Zero Net Energy House Winner Is Positive Net Energy House
Tina Clarke, a Transitions Town trainer, and her husband, Doug Stephens, moved into their new home in December 2008 and will be using it in conjunction with Greenfield Community College and Franklin Regional Technical High School to educate … [Read more...]
How to Heal the World
I think about this as I plant my garden. I remember John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed; Jean Giono's story of Elzéard Bouffier, "The Man Who Planted Trees;" John Todd's vision to restore the devastated mountains of Appalachia. … [Read more...]
Solar Garden Plantings
Here's a short instructional video on how to make a recycled solar cloche: cross-posted to dailykos, greenmassgroup,, and … [Read more...]
Climate Change Is Moot
There is even an appeal to End Days and Rapture Ready Survivalists without scaring anybody with Al Gore or CO2: Solar IS Civil Defense. A few square inches of solar electric panel can power the flashlight (LED), radio, cell … [Read more...]
Mr Franklin’s Folks Go to the Tea Party
Mr Franklin's Folks Mister Franklin's Folks began when a small group of people decided to bring a solar fountain to the local farmers markets, swap meets, and all the other outdoor community events. Each week, they'd float the solar … [Read more...]
Acton, MA – “A Green Economy: Legislation, Regulation, and Citizen Action”
All who are interested: "A Green Economy: Legislation, Regulation, and Citizen Action" Hosted by: Acton Democratic Town Committee, Senator Jamie Eldridge & State Rep. Cory Atkins Jim Snyder-Grant, Co-Founder Green Acton What a green … [Read more...]