On September 23, 2010, the Committee Against Repeal of the Alcohol Tax will host a Comedy Night Fundraiser and Rally for Vote No On Question 1: No Special tax Break for Alcohol. Massachusetts voters could use a laugh, and we're giving it to … [Read more...]
Sunday Plans?
My previous post finally disappeared. Many thanks to all the recommends that kept it up and visible for so long. :) Here is the information again: On Sunday April 11th at 8 pm, the Dudley House Orchestra will be playing in Sanders … [Read more...]
Staycation? You are CRAZY if you miss this!
Did I mention it was free? For more info on who is playing among other things, check out the Folk Fest website. Seriously, I didn't attend my first few years living in the area, and when I did, I was kicking myself that I'd been so stupid … [Read more...]
Jim Braude is Taking YOUR Questions!
TODAY Our political leaders are now engaged in a full blown discussion about funding the capital expenditures needed to repair and reform our public transportation systems, repair our roads and bridges, and deal with the debts associated … [Read more...]
Massachusetts Poetry Festival, Lowell, Oct 9-11!
Are you a poet, and don't yet know it? Okay yes, a cheesy line to start off a plug for THE COOLEST EVENT EVER IN MASSACHUSETTS, but it got your attention, didn't it? No, I am in no way affiliated with the Massachusetts Poetry Festival … [Read more...]
Come march with Sen Kerry in the July 4th Parade in Plymouth!
Plymouth, Mass, "America's Hometown," will be holding it's annual Fourth of July Parade this Friday starting at 9:30 am. Massachusetts State Senate President and Plymouth resident Therese Murray is the Grand Marshall for 2008. Senator … [Read more...]
Just a Couple of Hours This Saturday
If you are a registered Democrat, and live in the Michael Capuano Congressional District, you can participate in local grassroots democracy, help decide who will represent you to the national party, and support the diverse and strong team … [Read more...]
March 23-25th: HEAL Boston Conference: Health, Education, Arts, Liberation
Help us HEAL Boston and Raise $20,000 to donate to local Domestic Violence SheltersHEAL Boston: Health, Education, Arts, LiberationV-Day Boston 2007 ConferenceFriday, March 23rd: Vulvapalooza Benefit ConcertLocation: Spontaneous … [Read more...]
Save the Date – Lowell Democratic Lt. Gov. Forum
BlogLeft, an unchained association of Massachusetts lefty blogger types and the Lowell Democratic City Committee (LDCC) together with the Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) are co-sponsoring a Lt. Governors Forum at the Lowell Senior … [Read more...]