If not now, when? If not you, then who? And I know these folks, and this group - 100% of any donations go to the kids; no paid staff, no professional fundraising, no political donations - 100% goes to the kids. Deb … [Read more...]
Help on the way for struggling families?
For the first time in the House Budget released by Charles Murphy and the Senate Budget released by Steven Panagiotakos, funding for family preservation has its own trackable, breakout line item in both the Senate and the House Budget; line … [Read more...]
Connor B. vs. Deval Patrick et.al. Complaint now public
Childrens Rights filed a federal law suit against the Patrick Administration for inadequate care and treatment, as well as abuse, of children in foster care today. The Complaint runs some 76 pages and if you don't find the facts disturbing, … [Read more...]
BREAKING NEWS – Marie St. Fleur will NOT seek re-election
As reported in the Dorchester Reporter at the Ward 15 Democratic Caucus yesterday, Rep. Marie St. Fleur announced that she will NOT seek re-election. Further coverage is in the report by Gintautus Dumcius at his blog After 12 years, … [Read more...]
AND - AS revenue rebounds, reverse the cuts. The reality is that there are fewer safety net services today to help struggling families care for children or manage mentally ill children's care then there were 10 years ago - DCF no longer has … [Read more...]
Legal Orphan issues up for hearing – Monday !
Hearing on Services to Legal Orphans THIS Monday by Committee on Children and Families WHERE 2:00 PM A-1, the State House WHAT BILLS: S40 and H123 On Monday, November 16, 2009 the hearing on this legislation will be before the … [Read more...]
Helping kids – and saving big $$$ at the same time – with POLL!
Using this approach: From 2002 to 2009, for the month of February, Guilford County's rate of children in custody steadily decreased from 573 to 396, a 31 percent decline . This approach would require a change in attitude by our state's … [Read more...]
House budget went online at noon – see link
Here is the link: http://www.mass.gov/legis/10bu... I suggest reading the Executive Summary. Frankly, I am impressed. Despite having a shorter than usual time frame, Rep. Charles Murphy, the new Chairman of the Ways and … [Read more...]
What is an “Adoption Party”?
Thanks to the Boston Globe, there is a link where you can view a slice of one and hear participants talk about it: http://www.boston.com/news/loc... Maybe one of the tech types could embed it for me? (Sure! -David) A bunch of would be … [Read more...]
DMH lays off 100 case mgrs in response to having funding cut – lets throw more kids under the bus!
DMH had its funding cut - and laid off 100 case managers, stripping them from 3000 cases and adding those cases to the 350 remaining case managers. Once again, that is "throw the kids and the mentally ill under the bus." There … [Read more...]
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