In today's Globe, Stephanie Ebbert tells the kind of story we will read more and more until 2019. The people who provide childcare are absolutely essential to our economy because they let parents work without worrying about their kids. And … [Read more...]
I guess I shouldn't have been that surprised to see this article in the State House News, but I still am. “I am surprised because I felt that the legislation which was voted on and approved yesterday by overwhelming majorities in both … [Read more...]
General Local Aid No Longer Supported with State Tax Revenue
The money that the state provides to cities and towns for police and fire protection, parks, and other core local services is often referred to as general local aid (cities and towns receive separate Chapter 70 education aid to help fund … [Read more...]
The Pros and Cons and Unknowns of Casinos
After all the hoopla and passing a Bill that allows us to have casinos, the issue about if a community is going to have a casino has not been resolved. There has been a lot of talk and debate about the pros and the cons of casinos in … [Read more...]
Worcester rallies for revenue
More than 100 Worcester residents turned out Monday for a community speakout in support of the Act to Invest in Our Communities Monday and heard testimony about the devastating cuts that have forced the city to lay off nearly a third of its … [Read more...]
Our School System and Upcoming Ballot Questions
Of course there is much room for improvement. While we have made gains in closing the opportunity gap between students in low-income school districts and those in wealthy communities since the Education Reform Act was placed in 1993, we … [Read more...]
Civic Engagement in Tough Economic Times
“The people here value their library,’’ said Cheryl Abdullah, the Dover library’s director. “It’s amazing to see. People use the library as a tool of the community.’’ Abdullah credits the … [Read more...]
Campaign for new revenue
The ONE Massachusetts Leadership Team voted in favor of a campaign for new revenues in the 2011 state budget. ONE Massachusetts network members are calling on our legislators to close tax loopholes that cost the state money and close the … [Read more...]
They forgot a revenue message!
“A healthy environment is the result of decisions we make together through our government through different policies, initiatives and decisions that keep our water clean and protect our green spaces.” “Young children … [Read more...]
AND - AS revenue rebounds, reverse the cuts. The reality is that there are fewer safety net services today to help struggling families care for children or manage mentally ill children's care then there were 10 years ago - DCF no longer has … [Read more...]