... or at least this illustrated history of book banning in honor of Banned Books Week, which is now, Sept. 27 - Oct. 4. Here, too, is Ban this Booklist, a top-50 from the ACLU of books that touch on civil liberties themes -- and which have … [Read more...]
Comic Relief: Problems that don’t exist
As the election gets closer, here's the latest comic that artist Matt Bors does for the ACLU: Problems That Don't Exist: Flag Burners … [Read more...]
ACLU goes to court in Boston to fight government ban on scholar
The Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights and the Massachusetts Chapter of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee have jointly invited Professor Adam Habib to be the keynote speaker at an event on August 5, 2008, because of his … [Read more...]
Holding Free Speech Captive
They are, if you pardon the expression, snugly in bed with anti-women's rights organizations and protesters. Aborting inviable fetuses is murder in their loaded lingo.Pushing All LimitsConsider two recent matters - related claims in the … [Read more...]
Are Americans Big Babies? Blame Bush
Since when do we not care about what the leader of a major regional power has to say, particularly where a war between his country and ours seems perilously close? And since when do we simply refuse to speak to people with whom we don't … [Read more...]
Phoenix’s 10th Annual Muzzle Awards
Just wanted to make sure everyone saw this year's Muzzle Awards in the Phoenix. They give the award to take on efforts to stifle free speech.And here's a little more about work by the ACLU of Massachusetts that gets highlighted. … [Read more...]
US Senate Bill 1: Registering Bloggers
To me, a lobbyist is someone who reaches out to politicians and office holders and tries to change what they think. If someone asks voters to contact their representatives, that's not lobbying. When (if) the voter makes the call, that's not … [Read more...]