Well, I gotta say that this, which arrived in the mail today, was a disappointment. (Click image for larger view.) Look, I get the whole Worcester thing. But to go out on a limb like that in a hotly-contested primary? For … [Read more...]
Glodis goes negative in misleading attack piece
Perhaps "Odious Glodis" has polling information showing that he is behind in the race for Auditor, consistent with the State House News poll that was out today, showing him trailing Suzanne Bump by 2 points. Statehouse News Poll, via John … [Read more...]
Glodis, WTF?
W.T.F., of course, stands for "what the fuck." One can easily imagine such a sign being held at a rally protesting Crowne Plaza's decision to use out-of-state labor. One can less easily imagine the decision process that … [Read more...]
In Arlington, The Talk This Week Is … Not Glodis
I'm already a supporter of Suzanne Bump. The Globe article and YellowDogDem's list of Glodis' ten ethical lapses makes me very leery of this candidate for our party. … [Read more...]
Keep the facts truthful on Auditors race
It's obvious to me that so many progessive Democrats don't want to see Guy Glodis as the next Auditor. The outright lies that were swirling around the convention hall was proof. I think if we as a party are to overcome the label's that the … [Read more...]
Being Republicans Won’t Beat Them, or how I learned to stop worrying and vote for Mike Lake
I felt a lot of pressure, being from Worcester, to vote for Guy Glodis for fear of making enemies among the Worcester powerbrokers. More than one person advised me to abstain from the vote when I made it clear I could not vote for someone … [Read more...]
On Glodis….are liberals are biting their tongues
As a long time supporter of Joe DeNucci, this liberal often found herself telling her friends and colleagues that this former boxer with the broken nose and syntax was really a deeply caring, highly intelligent man who had transformed the … [Read more...]
$800,000.+ in Auditor candidate Guy Glodis’ war chest
Was that a typo in today's Boston Globe? It was reported in the Globe that Guy Glodis has $800,000 in his campaign war chest. I couldn't believe it, so I checked the Office of Campaign and Political Finance and I found out the … [Read more...]
Second-Tier Ripe for Reform
First, as is the Globe's wont, there are no links to the candidates' campaign sites. Nor is there a table setting out the platform differences. Instead, we meet them like they were on bar stools, butt to butt. We get a wee … [Read more...]
Press Release from Capuano Campaign:Worcester County Endorsements
"As our next U.S. Senator, Mike Capuano will continue to effectively serve all Massachusetts residents and fight for the progressive ideals we share," stated Congressman McGovern. "I have been proud to call Congressman Capuano a friend and … [Read more...]