Stephen Sixta, the fellow whose YouTube question in Monday's debate precipitated this week's Axis-of-Evil donnybrook, says Obama's answer was good; and that Hillary misconstrued the question.His bottom line: He liked Obama's answer, and he … [Read more...]
Hillary wins the battle … long-term, not so much.
I'm not quite conceding defeat in taking Obama's side in the talking-with-baddies kerfuffle. But as both Jim Braude and Seth Gitell argued Wednesday night on NECN (against my position), now I do think Hillary basically comes out ahead in … [Read more...]
I’ll be on NECN tonight @ 7pm (and even more Obama)
Jim Braude's NewsNight, talking about Hillary vs. Obama, and whether we should talk to dictators this year or next. Fun.Update: Matt Yglesias says it better than I can.Another update: Hello, foreign policy judgement. This is Obama from … [Read more...]
Hillary’s being stupid.
The headline says one thing: "Obama debate comments set off firestorm." That was after Obama said that he'd actually talk to the baddies of North Korea, Syria, et al. "without precondition". Shocking!But come on: It was Hillary's … [Read more...]
Patrick’s debut on the national stage
Gov. Patrick will introduce the Democratic presidential candidates tomorrow night on the PBS debate, 9pm. Clearly, the party wants to show him off as the face of something fresh and new, and somehow representative of the Dems these days. … [Read more...]
Candidate videos from Take Back America
Just so you can know what the heck I was talking about, I'm putting all the videos of the speeches I saw in one place -- at least from the candidates that have a snowball's chance in hell.Here's Richardson: Here's Obama: Here's Edwards: … [Read more...]
Hillary faces uphill battle at Take Back America
Well, Hillary had a bit of a rough time this morning at the Take Back America conference -- she was actually booed by a few in the audience as called to hold the Iraqis accountable for running their own government. Interesting, because … [Read more...]
HillaryCare rehabilitated
Jonathan Cohn has a nice rehabilitation of the 1993 Clinton health care plan, noting that we're still dealing with the same old problems 12 years on, only worse: Costs, the uninsured, total lack of transparency, yadda yadda yadda.Look, I … [Read more...]
Clinton Touts Universal Health Care
Yesterday's WashPost had an article about Hillary's plans for health care when she's elected. While I generally like the Clintons, I felt like her involvement in the reform efforts of '93/'94 might have been a strategic mistake. … [Read more...]
Why Has John Edwards Raised So Much Less Money Than Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?
The reasons for Clinton's historical fundraising levels are well-known. She is a major national player in the Democratic Party, was first lady for eight years, has been elected to the US Senate twice, and her husband was President of … [Read more...]