Nobody wants to talk to her: Overheard in the spin room Former Massachusetts Governor Jane Swift under a yellow McCain sign in the spin room, with no reporters talking to her: "This is kind of annoying." … [Read more...]
Swift defending Palin? How appropriate!
Logan Airport is run by the Massachusetts Port Authority. Massport, as it's known, had become a dumping ground for Republican political hacks with little interest in governing. The director of Massport at the time of the attacks was 36 year … [Read more...]
Putting the Swift into Swift Boating
This is too much, Jane Swift, our esteemed half-term ex-governor, is actually on the John McCain "Truth Squad" a/k/a John McCain Swift Boat crew. From But McCain supporter Jane Swift, former Republican governor of … [Read more...]
MA GOoPers Endorse Anyone But Mitt
More Massachusetts Republicans are endorsing anybody-but-Mitt for President in 2008.Rudy Giuliani just announced his "Massachusetts Leadership Team".It's comprised of Paul Cellucci, Richard Tisei, Michael Knapik, Bruce Tarr, Brian Lees, … [Read more...]
163 school systems received more state aid from Jane Swift
There are 163 school systems in Massachusetts that received more state aid in the 2002-03 school year, the last year of the Jane Swift administration, then they are receiving today. The Romney-Healey administration prevailed over the … [Read more...]