One of the main tactics the McCain camp has been using is to try and paint Obama as an "elitist" who is out of touch. This coming from a guy who can't even remember how many houses he owns, who trots around in $520 Ferragamo loafers, … [Read more...]
McCain’s voicemail asking Palin to be VP leaked!
This is hysterical! Listen for yourself. … [Read more...]
Jeremiah Wright’s running mate?
America be damned? Gee, who does that remind you of? And could the Palins have been ignorant of Vogler's views in 1994? To this day, the Alaskan Independence Party's Web site proudly carries the following quote from Vogler: "I'm an Alaskan, … [Read more...]
John McCain reveals more about himself by his pick for VP
Also posted on RedMassGroup … [Read more...]
Mudflats: New Must Read Blog
Here's a new must-read blog for your bookmarks. Mudflats. It's a blog about the mud-encrusted world of Alaska politics. In the latest post, here's the documentation that Sarah Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against … [Read more...]
VP Analogy Test
Feel free to comment after you select your answer. … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin’s “executive experience” – LOL!
From Sarah Palin and Wasilla Sports Complex land deal: Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002. Her record during that time can tell us a lot about her. The biggest deal during her tenure is perhaps the construction of the sports … [Read more...]
Housing-gate just got a whole lot worse for John McCain…
From Politico It turns out that this isn't the first time the issue of John McCain's lavish multiple residences has emerged in the heat of a campaign. In 1986, when then-Rep. McCain was running for the Senate seat vacated by Barry … [Read more...]
“The first sign of dementia appeared…”
UPDATE: Have added "President Putin of Germany" and "Confuses Somalia & Sudan" at the bottom. McCain Moments Unaware that Czechoslovakia no longer exists. twice The "Iraq/Pakistan" border. Confuses Sunni & Shia, Al Queda & … [Read more...]
Why is McCain still advertising “tire gauge” ads?
Barack Obama had stated that Americans should tune up their cars and keep their tires properly inflated to save gas. He said that doing so would save more oil than what would be gained by offshore drilling. The McCain campaign hopped on … [Read more...]