The first document at this site is a memo to Kagan's then-boss, Justice Thurgood Marshall, recommending that the Court deny review in a particular case. The way this process works, for background purposes, is basically this: the Court … [Read more...]
Kagan v. Stevens
Much has been said about the fact that Elena Kagan doesn't have a huge paper trail. There's at least one major exception to that: a 141-page behemoth of a law review article, entitled "Presidential Administration." The article, … [Read more...]
Republicans’ first attack on Kagan hilariously misfires
Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele thinks he's found a zinger to use against President Obama's just-announced Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan. But zingers have a nasty habit of boomeranging. Here's Steele … [Read more...]
Let the Games Begin
ABC is reporting that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been hospitalized and has had surgery for early-stage pancreatic cancer. Of course, I wish Justice Ginsburg a speedy recovery. Her illness is just a reminder, though, that sometime … [Read more...]
Cheap omniscence
Good gravy. It's been Robert Kagan on the radio all day. I traced back from Robert Siegel's breathless interview with him on ATC this afternoon to actually read Kagan's column on Georgia. Does Robert Siegel really find this … [Read more...]