As a practicing Boston lawyer and founder of the earliest Boston bar association, John Adams defended British troops accused of the murder of patriots at the Boston Massacre. Six of those soldiers and their captain were acquitted. Though he … [Read more...]
MA-Gov: Internal Healey poll shows Patrick’s lead cut in half after attack ads
Patrick's advisers, who would not speak for attribution because they do not publicly discuss strategy, said polling data from the weekend showed that Healey's attack ads have backfired by hurting her own standing among voters more than … [Read more...]
The Mind of the Right
This is an aspect that Bill Maher as what Bill Maher refers to as 'The ability to turn anything into a wash'. In the interview in which he makes this point, we see this very point at work. Within this general technique is another more … [Read more...]
How Kerry Healey can capture Democratic vote
Kerry Healey speaking to the camera ~ "You know what one-party government gets you, because that's what we have currently at the national level."Montage of New York Times headlines on Iraq ~ "It brought us a ruined foreign policy as we've … [Read more...]
Debate audio up
I got back from the debate and am finally getting the audio encoded.Here's the full debate audioI will have closing comments from each candidate broken out next. … [Read more...]
Audio Debate Coverage confirmed
If you can't get to a TV tonight, will be streaming the debate live from our homepage. The festivities kick off at 7:00 p.m.You need RealAudio, a free, easy download.We will also have archived audio of the debate following the … [Read more...]
Mealy-mouthed Healey
Last Friday, I was sitting with friends at a local football game. The four of us are active democrats. Behind us sat a family (mom, dad, voting age son) I've known for a few years through youth sports. This family is politically quite … [Read more...]
Check out
I typed [http://www.kerryheal...] in my browser not realizing my misspelling. See if you find it as amusing as I do. I wonder what other web addresses redirect to different pages, too. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
No Debate in the Berkshires Tonight!
One empire, of course, is Time Warner. The perniciousness of cable monopoly is something familiar to media consumers everywhere. Cable companies are the folks who, knowing they have you over a barrel, won't let you choose … [Read more...]
Debate Questions I Wish Would Be Posed To Lt. Gov. Healey
What were you working on these past four years that you felt was more important than the platform you've begun publicizing last week?In order to get most of your initiatives implemented, you'd need to work effectively with a … [Read more...]