Drinking Liberally of Waltham is a welcoming social space where liberals can meet, form social bonds, talk politics, argue, trade news and build progressive community. We're a new local chapter affiliated with the national organization, … [Read more...]
Tough Liberals
Richard D. Kahlenberg is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, where he focuses on topics such as education, equal opportunity, and civil rights. Previously, he was a fellow at the Center for National Policy, a visiting associate … [Read more...]
Where’s the focus? Where it always has been.
Ezra says a lot of what I've been thinking:... insofar as liberals focus too much on Obama, the appropriate criticism there is not that they're too interested in the president or too bullish on government's ability to plug … [Read more...]
Mendacity of Hope: Obama Eviscerated
Like your left rants high-octane? I do. Chris Hedges obliges on truthdig with Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama. I'd like to hear people's refutations after reading Hedges. Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. … [Read more...]
We Will Not Go Back
As I stood for many long, cold hours on street corners encouraging votes for Martha Coakley, I like others endured endless taunting, epithets and "finger" pointing all in the cause of what Brown partisans called "Taking our country back." … [Read more...]
Things that too often go unquestioned, even by Democrats
Most liberals/progressives are hoping for an Obama victory in November, and rightfully so, but we should stop for a moment to consider the things that are too often left unsaid, even by most liberal/progressive candidates, for fear of … [Read more...]
Looks like the Liberals are beginning to line up to get new jobs in the Patrick administration. Since I was one of the first people to actually make fun of Kerry Healey (before she started being a caricature of some Republican from Utah) I … [Read more...]