Like your left rants high-octane? I do. Chris Hedges obliges on truthdig with Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama. I'd like to hear people's refutations after reading Hedges. Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. … [Read more...]
Only the super-rich can save us
Ralph Nader's new novel "Only the super-rich can save us" is a fantasy from the longtime consumer activist detailing the possible intervention of 16 billionaires in the various causes general progressivism is currently worked up about. In … [Read more...]
Keep Running, Ralph
You can continue whining about Nader if you want to, but at least realize the following (from The Supreme Court Spoiled: Al Gore won the 2000 election. George W. Bush became President when a biased US Supreme Court … [Read more...]
Nader redux
Here we go again...the greatest spoiler in history...what kind of vitamins must Ralph Nader take to sustain such a high level of self-absorbency over such a length of time? What a dilemma for the walk-on-water crowd. … [Read more...]
Nader not “An Unreasonable Man”
I went to see the new documentary "An Unreasonable Man", about Ralph Nader, and found it quite compelling. The movie is so multifaceted, it is difficult for this amateur to write an adequate review! It addresses Nader's history … [Read more...]
An “Unreasonable” proposal
I have recently seen An Unreasonable Man, the documentary about Ralph Nader. What I came away with was that this is a film about far more than Ralph Nader. The review I read before seeing the film missed the point, saying: … [Read more...]