Chu says matter of factly, "we need a new industrial revolution." He calls Waxman-Markey a "comprehensive bill", a decent start, so "let's get moving." The transition to clean fuels and a green economy … [Read more...]
Waxman-Markey Bill no slam dunk needs help!
http://www.environmentalleague... Waxman-Markey: Too Close to Call Thirty-three years ago, in 1976, I served as campaign manager for a young Mass. State Representative running as a dark-horse candidate for the U.S. Congress. … [Read more...]
atmospheric carbon dioxide at a maximum of 350 ppm
Massachusetts is a state already known for its leadership on the climate change front. Its progressive leaders, including Congressman Markey, are working on new federal energy legislation - the American Clean Energy and Security Act … [Read more...]
Waxman-Markey cap n’ trade: Does undermining your allies help?
I have to admit I'm pretty confused by the strategy used in this post and the accompanying video from enviros's stipulate that yes, of course it's stupid to subsidize "carbon capture and sequestration" for … [Read more...]
Chairmen Waxman, Markey Release Discussion Draft of New Clean Energy Legislation
The American Clean Energy and Security Act will create millions of new clean energy jobs, save consumers hundreds of billions of dollars in energy costs, enhance America's energy independence, and cut global warming pollution. To meet these … [Read more...]
Protect Georges Bank from Drilling
Today I reintroduced legislation to protect Massachusetts' fragile Georges Bank from any oil or natural gas drilling, which could be potentially disastrous for the New England fishing industry. From the boats and wharfs to the markets and … [Read more...]
Recovery Package Will Invest Billions in Massachusetts Innovation, Job Creation
Van testified, "If we are smart, we will make the invention, manufacturing and deploying of clean energy technology a cornerstone of the next American economy - and create green pathways out of poverty, while we do it." With the support … [Read more...]
Cape Wind passes yet still another test — the last?
The federal government's Minerals Management Service did the entirely expected today, and passed Cape Wind in its environmental impact statement:Analysis finds impacts are expected to be mostly negligible or minor; some moderate … [Read more...]
The mandate and Gore’s 10-year plan
Al Gore had an op-ed in the Times Sunday, laying out a five-point plan for 100% carbon-free electricity in 10 years: Big solar and wind projects from Texas to the Dakotas, and new geothermal plants. A "unified national smart grid for the … [Read more...]
Breakfast with Markey
Rep. Ed Markey took the time to sit down with us this morning after the delegate breakfast. Rep. Markey likes to get his facts straight: He had two or three advisors and staffers sitting in to confirm facts and details of the legislation we … [Read more...]