Point for Michael Flaherty today. In one e-mail, the official, Jay Rourke, belittled neighbors who are seeking a less-dense project than the one sought by the developer, saying, "Let them play their games." In another, he said, "When … [Read more...]
The Mayor’s Race Is Over
(Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune.) The race for mayor is over. It ended yesterday. There was a narrow window for Sam Yoon or Michael Flaherty to create buzz and emerge as the challenger to Menino. In 2006, a poll swung 27 points between … [Read more...]
Kevin McCrea on Blue News Tribune
A while back, I sent six short questions to the mayoral candidates. Kevin McCrae has replied, candidly and in detail. http://www.bluenewstribune.com... Please stop by. … [Read more...]
Mayor’s Race Issue Review: Education
Michael Flaherty Note: These are excerpts from each section. These paragraphs are not continuous in the original. As a parent with three children currently enrolled in Boston public schools, Michael shares residents' concerns about our … [Read more...]
How do we increase Voter Turnout (especially in Boston)
Our leaders say they care about voter turnout, but they haven't done anything substantial about it. In order to encourage citizen engagement and restore public trust in the political process I propose the following … [Read more...]
Menino is running
Developing ... http://www.boston.com/news/loc... … [Read more...]
Yoon Office Cited for “Code Violation”
Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune. The Globe seems be buying the Yoon campaign spin on this. I do not, and I think it's a bad tactic: the law is the law. But I put quotes on code violation simply because this is a new one for me. He says … [Read more...]