The press release that Suffolk University put out yesterday regarding its new poll wasn't exactly inaccurate. But it was incomplete in significant ways - and it led to erroneous reporting in most of the newspapers and wire services … [Read more...]
Channel 7 News Bites It Once Again
Then they cut to the standard "this is what the politicians are saying" clips. Who did they have on? Republican Senators Chuck Hagel and John McCain.These are two potential Republican candidates in 2008. One whom spent most of the last five … [Read more...]
What to Do About the Boston Globe?
There are several courses of action. There's always letters to the editor, but instead of printing the ones I send in, we get stuff like this. No, there's no bias at the Globe at all!A few of us could come together and write an op-ed, but … [Read more...]
Or, how ’bout this: “Patrick led United to blaze trail for domestic partner benefits”
That's not the headline the Globe chose today - they chose, instead, "Gay rights advocates question Patrick; Domestic partner benefits at issue." But the 16th paragraph of the 16-paragraph story says:United became the first US airline … [Read more...]
A funny Globe headline. (Funny funny, or funny strange? You tell me.)
In today's Globe we find this headline:Kerry's spouse nets $5.8m in stock salesHas Teresa cashed in some of the Heinz fortune in anticipation of her husband's next presidential bid?Nope - here's what the story is actually about:As … [Read more...]
Patrick TV ads on DPTV tomorrow at 2:30; regular TV Friday
The Deval Patrick campaign has announced that they are hitting the airwaves starting Friday. Patrick's first TV ad will appear first on Deval Patrick TV on Thursday at 2:30 pm, and then on broadcast and cable stations starting Friday … [Read more...]
What Makes The Globe’s Front Page?
Not on the front page is the headline "Killer Coke story outrages Patrick camp" with this opening:The gubernatorial campaign of Deval Patrick and a key supporter yesterday expressed outrage over a disclosure that advisers to rival Thomas F. … [Read more...]
Howie Carr on the sorry plight of Kerry Healey
Howie Carr has penned another vitriol-filled column today. (Geez, does this guy like anyone?) And, as is sometimes the case, it contains some grains of truth.His point: when your boss is running for president, it can be really … [Read more...]
Joan Vennochi’s curious Killer Coke column
Joan Vennochi's Thursday column, entitled "Killer Coke's charges go flat," is quite the fascinating combination of target-hitting and boat-missing. Consider:Remember the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth? In August 2004, that group … [Read more...]
NECN video of tonight’s BMG/HubPolitics smackdown is up!
Video of the first-ever meeting between BMG and HubPolitics on tonight's NewsNight is now available! Thanks to Chet Curtis for sitting in for Jim Braude and for hosting an enjoyable discussion. Matt Margolis, despite his … [Read more...]