Now ICIRR is engaging in a full frontal assault on Emanuel, bycoordinating attack adds with Blue America. The ads planted in localpapers ask a simple question. "Why is Congressman Emanuel Betraying Our Friends and … [Read more...]
“An epic tale of love and devotion”
The first time I learned about Garcia was a through a National Public Radio report on his family. The report inspired me to write a comprehensive post on the New Bedford Raid. I'm going to transcribe the NPR report below but … [Read more...]
‘Los Angeles is Burning’: Lives on the Murder Wind
Originally Posted on Citizen Orange"Los Angeles is Burning" - Bad ReligionWhen the hills of Los Angeles are burningPalm trees are candles in the murder windSo many lives are on the breezeEven the stars are ill at easeAnd Los Angeles is … [Read more...]
Deporting Dissent: Tam Tran and the DREAM Act
Duke has already written a better post about Tam Tran then I will ever be able to write, so I'm going to write about this from the unique perspective that I bring.First, ICE is the most frightening enforcement agency within the U.S.'s … [Read more...]
Guilty Corporations Fund Hypocritical Anti-Migrant Politicians
As politicians continue to use migrants for their own political purposes, a pattern is emerging. Migrants are bearing the brunt of their political posturing, while the people that hire and benefit from them go without … [Read more...]
The Story of Pedro Zapeta: How the U.S. Government Stole a Happy Home from Guatemala
These are just a few of the commentaries on a story that has swept the internet. "Pedro Zapeta" was one of google's most searched terms over the weekend, and by my last count there have already been over 100 blog posts written about him on … [Read more...]
Democrats in Favor of Sanctuary Cities
I'm glad that Joe Biden mentioned the town in this New York Times article. After Riverside, New Jersey, implemented a local anti-migrant ordinance, it wreaked havoc on the town. Migrants left in droves and businesses suffered. So, recently … [Read more...]
The Panic: On the Brazilians Who Died in U.S. Government Custody
Even though it has well-documented ties to white supremacy, Numbers USA isn't a fringe organization. Its been credited by the New York Times for playing a major role in the defeat of comprehensive immigration reform. Here you have the … [Read more...]
Ripping the Sacred Bonds Between Mother and Child
It was this fear that was the chief subject of a vigil in Chelsea, Massachusetts, organized primarily by Chelsea Collaborative, Roca, and Centro Presente.I was a horrible journalist that day. The pictures I took were bad, and my camera … [Read more...]
Dying of Terror on September 11, 2007
Medeiros died from terror on September 11. He died of a heart attack at only 25 years of age. Medeiros represents the millions suffering from ubiquitous migrant terror in the U.S.Medeiros' aunt had this to say about him in the Boston … [Read more...]