What is it about Beverly? In addition to being Kerry Healey's home town (where they absolutely love her), its resident bloggers are now hatching wild conspiracy theories about Christy Mihos being secretly in cahoots with Deval … [Read more...]
In defense of Healey(!)
So, Kerry Healey has complained about the "noise" from Christy Mihos in the last debate, and wants to take on Deval mano-a-mano. This is obviously a self-serving request: She has a better shot making her points against just Deval than vs. … [Read more...]
Christy Mihos’s hilarious TV ad
If you haven't seen this ad yet, it's high time you did.The ad is also on display at Christy's website.Disclaimer: we here at BMG do not recommend that you actually vote for Mihos. We do, however, recommend that you show this video to … [Read more...]
Wahhhhhhhh! I don't want to play with Christy! Make him go away!From boston.comHealey seeks 1-on-1 debate with Patrick to remove Mihos 'noise'By Glen Johnson, AP Political Writer | September 26, 2006WORCESTER, Mass. … [Read more...]
Second Place (Poll)
If Patrick continues to stay strong, the dynamic of the race could change to the point where it is a race to see if the Republicans can hang onto second place. Can Christy beat out Kerry Muffy Healey for second place? … [Read more...]
Deval Wins By Not Losing
Healey- Came out OK at first, but when the piling on occured she didn't seem able to handle it well. At no point did she lose it, but at very few points did she seem to be in control. The bad news is, she needed to be in control. Her … [Read more...]
Even yet still more predictions for tonight’s debate
Kerry Healey refers to Patrick as the "quota king". Patrick demurs, but under intense questioning admits that he was, in fact, "prom king".Healey offers to demonstrate that little waddle she does in Christy Mihos' new commercial. "Bet you … [Read more...]
Late Night with Christy Mihos!
When we heard Christy Mihos had hired inventive adman Bill Hillsman -- veteran of Paul Wellstone's and Jesse Ventura's successful campaigns in Minnesota -- we knew we were in for some fun. And Mihos/Hillsman have delivered: An abrasive, … [Read more...]
2M: Murray, Mihos helping Patrick
Happened to have on Ch 5 news this morning, during their Gov race weekend segment (it looked like Deval might be taking a needed day off)they had Murray up against Healey in contrasting spots - Murray came off very well, really solid. … [Read more...]
“Gabrieli only Dem built for long run: His rivals lack crossover appeal”
That's not my title, it is Brett Arends' in today's Boston Herald. I happen to agree with this position, but rather than pontificate further, I figured that I would simply paste Mr. Arends' piece and invite commentary.Gabrieli only … [Read more...]