SUMMARY - Concerning Iran's nuclear program, nothing short of a third war in the Middle East is at stake and complications to a fragile US economic recovery are on the line. This will hurt the people of Massachusetts and America. There are … [Read more...]
Nuclear Weapons documentary opens next week
Countdown to Zero, a new documentary on nuclear weapons, makes the case for abolishing them. It opens at the Kendall Sq Theater on July 30. Mass Peace Action will host a special opening weekend screening at 7:20 on Sunday, August 1. … [Read more...]
Today is the Anniversary of the nuclear bombs that fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
This is another "dope slap" if you will as to what is important. The duty of adults is to take care of and protect children. The political process which selects who will make the decisions that do - or do not - protect … [Read more...]