Edwards has announced during his announcement tour that he's decided to run a grassroots campaign. As far as this crowd went today, it's just in the nick of time because people that I talked to are at the point that they want to start doing … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: Booted at YouTube, the agony…
Update: I'll be vlogging the Edwards gig back in Portsmouth tomorrow so look for my vlog on the Town Hall event here in the next couple of days if you can't get up to see it. And as far as reposting, I won't be doing that here at BMG, this … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: People Powered Media – Edwards, Lamont and Deval Patrick
The Conventional Wisdom on YouTube: The current state of Conventional Wisdom on citizen-generated media/content, CGM or CGC, is not very insightful by and large. The New York Times ran a piece a couple of weeks ago discussing the YouTube - … [Read more...]