On Wednesday, April 4th, the day that the MBTA Board is expected to hand the Massachusetts Legislature its proposal for a “balanced budget,” T-riders, community members, and Occupy activists will descend on the Statehouse to say “No!” to … [Read more...]
Join the Online SOTU Discussion TONIGHT
I'm sure many of you in the Blue Mass community will be watching the State of the Union tonight. And I'm just as sure that you'll be brimming with comments and insights about what the President says (and what it means). Tonight, … [Read more...]
On Punishing The Job Creators, Or, “The Poor Have It So Good Today”
You know what the problem is with America? The poor don’t get just how great they have it. I’ve hear this a lot lately; the basic thrust of the discussion is that all those cars, TVs, DVD players, refrigerators, and stoves that have … [Read more...]
Please Go Home, Occupiers
Cross-posted locally. WASHINGTON -- District of Columbia police said early Saturday that a driver will not be charged for striking three people taking part in an Occupy DC protest in downtown Washington. (snip) He said witnesses told … [Read more...]
Despicable Howie Carr Mocks Massachusetts Rape Victim
The always-heartless Howie Carr sank to new levels to today, when he mocked two (alleged) victims of sexual assault at the OWS protest in New York- including an 18 year-old Massachusetts native who has told the police she was raped. I … [Read more...]
Occupation: To Be or Not To Be…Coopted
(This is a cross post of course from LiL, but I am hoping it has bigger appeal than just my little corner of electoral politics. This is a big movement, with so much potential, I felt compelled to express my concerns for it. Slight edits in … [Read more...]